We make software faster. With our extensive experience in runtime optimization at all levels—from speeding up individual algorithms through vectorization and data locality to optimizing entire systems with architecture-level and communication enhancements—we ensure your software delivers peak performance.
Where we can Help
Our experience covers many aspects of performance, whether it’s reducing latency (wall clock time it takes to process a single input from start to finish) or increasing throughput (rate of processing that the software can maintain on bulk input). We address both soft and hard real-time requirements.
We help you select and prioritize the available performance improvement options based on what matters most to you and your customers. More specifically, we offer:
- Review and revise your software runtime requirements to align with your goals.
- Assign budgets to and break down runtime requirements for individual software components.
- Profile your application and create a targeted plan for runtime reduction.
- Optimize algorithms and data structures to improve latency and/or throughput.
- Create a measurement system for your continuous integration environment to track runtime budgets effectively throughout the project.
- Depending on your needs, we can deliver anything from high-level advice to the finished implementation.
If you are still in the planning/design phase, or you need system-level assessment of your product, check our consulting services.